Welcome to the Japanese Coronary Association


The Journal of Coronary Artery Disease (JCAD) publishes Review Articles, Original Articles, Rapid Communication, Case Reports, Imaging Case report, other Invited Article, and others in the field of coronary disease research, medicine and surgery. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed.

We subscribe to the policy of uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Med Educ 1999; 33(1): 66-78 or http://www.icmje.org.
A submitted article is original and has not been published elsewhere before, also article submitted to JCAD is not undergoing to peer-review of other journal for publication.
The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have seen and approved of manuscript. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Other contribution should be acknowledged at the end of manuscript.
Any funding, sponsorship or conflict must be stated. Materials relating to human investigation and animal experiment are published on the understanding that your local ethical committee has approved the work.
All reviewers and editors are asked to report any potential conflicts of interest, and when those exist the manuscript is reassigned to a different editor or reviewer. In case the Editorin- Chief or Editorial Vice-Chairman has a conflict of interest, authorities shall be delegated to the Editorial Vice-Chairman or Editorial Board members.

The Journal welcomes submissions from everyone, irrespective of membership in the Society.

All manuscripts submitted for consideration must be the original work of the author(s) and they must be certified that the material has not been previously published in any language. All published articles become the property of the Japanese Coronary Association with all rights reserved. Authors’ agreement should be declared by submitting the “Authorship Agreement and Copyright Transfer Form” (form 1) at the time of submission.
The article may not infringe on the copyright of other articles. Permission should be obtained by authors beforehand if necessary.

Peer review is a critically important process of evaluation for any manuscript submitted to JCAD. Every article dispatched for full peer review will receive a comprehensive, fair, unbiased critical assessment. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by an editor of JCAD to evaluate the eligibility for possible publication. Thereafter, the manuscripts will be sent to two to three expert reviewers in the field of the study for peer review. The editor will review the peer review comments and make a decision for acceptance or rejection, or request that the authors revise the manuscript based upon the reviewers’ comments. JCAD employs a single-blind review process. This means that the identity of the peer reviewers will remain anonymous.

All manuscripts should be submitted via online submissionpeer-review system at https://www.editorialmanager.com/jcoron/.

1) Preparation of Manuscript
Each of the following section should begin on a new page and all pages are numbered serially.
Please type by double space Title page, Abstract, Main text, References, and Figure legends.
・Title page
・Main text
・Acknowledgment (if any)
・Disclosure statement
・Figure legends
・Tables (Table number and title should be above each table.)
・Figures (Each ­gure should be numbered.)

File Format
・Text: Word
・Table: Word or Excel (Image data and collecting textboxes are not acceptable.)
・Figure: TIFF or PowerPoint or Word

2) Title Page
The title page should give,
・The title of the article
・The authors’ names and af­liation
・The name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail address of the corresponding author
・The manuscript type (Review Article, Original Article, Rapid Communication, Case Report, Imaging Case Report, or others)
・Key words (not more than 5) complying with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of National Library of Medicine

3) Abstract
All manuscripts need abstract within 250 words.
・Structured abstract for Original Article (Objective, Materials
and Methods, Results, Conclusion)
・Unstructured abstract for Review Article, Rapid Communication, Case Report, Imaging Case Report
The URLs for the registry and trial registration numbers of clinical trials should be included at the end of the abstract.

4) Main Text
・Original Article: in the format of introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion
・Case Report: in the format of introduction, case report, discussion and conclusion
・Image Case Report: in the format of case report, discussion and conclusion

5) Disclosure Statement
All disclosures of conflict of interest should be inserted in the “Disclosure Statement” before “References” section, as shown in the following example.
A (author name) serves as a consultant to Z (entity name); B’s spouse is chairman of Y; C received a research grant from X; D received lecture fees from V; E holds a patent on U; F has been reimbursed by T for attending several conferences; G received honoraria for writing promotional material for S; H has no conflict of interest.

6) Conflict of Interest
When submitting a manuscript, all authors are required to disclose any financial relationship with a biotechnology manufacturer, a pharmaceutical company, or other commercial entity that has an interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript, within the period of 12 months prior to the submission. Author disclose in the next two method. 1) describe in the “Disclosure Statement” section before “References” section in the text as samples in the form, 2) register on online submission and peer-review system. *As for invited articles, submit the disclosure form to the editorial office by e-mail.
For more details, please see < http://www.npojca.jp/menu/COI.html >.

7) References
References should be typed with double spacing and cited in the Vancouver style. Examples listed below. Unpublished communications should be cited in the text, in parentheses. In the text, references should be numbered consecutively by superscript: 1, 2) or 1–3). References should be listed in numerical order at the end of the article. The sequence for a journal article is: author(s), title of paper, journal name (abbreviated as in Index Medicus or written in full if no abbreviation quoted), year of publication, volume number, first and last pages. The sequence for a book is: author(s), title, book title, editor(s) or compiler(s), edition number, publisher’s name and place of publication, year of publication, first and last pages (if relevant). In the Reference list, if a book or journal article has four or more authors, list the names of the first three authors, followed by et al. If there are three authors or less, list all of their names.
Journals: Endo M, Hirosawa K, Kaneko N, et al: Prinzmetal’s variant angina: Coronary arteriogram and left ventriculogram during angina attack induced by methacholine. N Engl J Med 1976; 294: 252–255
Books:  Everson C, Mills N: The inferior epigastric artery. Alternative Bypass Conduits and Methods for Surgical Coronary Revascularization, ed by Grooters RK, Nishida H, 2nd Ed, Futura, New York, 1994, 73–80

8) Citation and Alteration of Figures and Tables
To cite or alter figures and tables from other articles in a review article, including a requested manuscript, necessary procedures to obtain permission from the rights holder (e.g., academic society and original author) should be completed.
Any license fee for a requested manuscript shall be paid by the society.

9) Human and Animal Rights
The manuscript submissions should conform to the guidelines set forth in the “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations)”. Studies involving human subjects or using any information obtained from human subjects should be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration (2013 version) and with the relevant laws on both personal information protection and such human studies effective in the authors’ country. Authors must indicate that the study protocol has been approved by the institutional review committee on clinical research and performed in compliance with the relevant regulations. The procedure to acquire the written informed consent by study participants should be performed and details of the procedure should be described in the manuscript.
Studies involving animal experimentation should conform to article 21 of the Helsinki Declaration (2013 version) as well as animal welfare regulations effective in the authors’ country such as the “Act on Welfare and Management of Animals” in the case of Japanese authors. Authors must indicate that the study protocol has been approved by the institutional review committee on animal experiments and performed under fair animal handling.
In submitting papers, the authors shall comply with the “Guidelines for the Protection of Patient Privacy in Medical Papers Containing Cases and Presentations at Academic Meetings” of the Council of Japan Surgical Associations.

10) Informed Consent
Authors must obtain written consent from any patient whose photographs or videos are submitted to the Journal if the person is identifiable.

Authors using copyrights for commercial purposes will request to be charged usage fees when reprinting figures or tables (100,000 yen for each).


Advance Publication
Authors are asked to check proof galley around one month later of acceptance. Checking of proofs is the author’s responsibility. Please proof carefully and return the corrected pages by email or fax.
After checking, the manuscripts will be published on advance publication prior to issue online publication at https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jcad/advpub/0/_contents/-char/en.

Online Issue Publication (Free Open Access)
After allocation of accepted manuscripts, they will be published on issue online at https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jcad/-char/en.

There will be free of charge for submission, peer-review and publication. Off-print is charged.

JCAD Editorial Office
Shunkosha Co., Ltd.
Shinjuku Lambdax Building, 2-4-12 Ohkubo,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0072, Japan
Tel: +81-3-6273-8202, Fax: +81-3-5291-2177
E-mail: npojca_edit@shunkosha.com

Revised on March 6, 2023

Contact Us
The Japanese Coronary Association
Shunkosha Co.,Ltd.
Shinjuku Lambdax Building,2-4-12 Ohkubo,
Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 169-0072,Japan
Tel: +81-3-5291-6231 Fax:+81-3-5291-2176

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